Leader Cultural Exchange/Collaboration (2003- present)


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Cultural Exchange, Mask Dance Symbiosa, Thai-Indonesia (2003)
Involved : Boy Hanarong (Thai)
Mugiyono Kasido, Hanny Herlina, Wangi Indriya, Dedek Wahyudi, Slamet Gundono, Tutup Ngisor community (Indonesia)
Output: “Shinta’s Letter” present at Surakarta Art College for kids appreciation and public. Java and Thai Mask Exibition, explore outdoor studio.

 “BumiSri”, Indonesia – Sweden collaboration (2010 )involve
 Mugiyono Kasido, Marvel Gracia, Magnum Arkan Nala (Indonesia)
 Virpi Pahkinen, Oskar Landstrom (Sweden)
Present at Central Java Arts Center as student appreciation with discussion session and for public

Cultural Exchange Indonesia –Thai at studio Mugidance, Solo, Central Java Indonesia (2011) piece “Ejecting Human” present at Asian Festival at studio Mugidance
Thitipol Kanteewong, Ronarong Kampha (Thai)
Mugiyono Kasido, Endah Laras, Dedek Wahyudi, Sunardi (Indonesia)

Cultural Exchange Indonesia –Thai at  Bitzgeoul Arts Centre,Gwangju, Korea  (2011) piece “Ejecting Human” involve
Thitipol Kanteewong, Ronarong Kampha (Thai)
Mugiyono Kasido, Endah Laras, Dedek Wahyudi, Sunardi (Indonesia)
 Five South Korea student (South Korea)

Cultural Exchange Indonesia –Thai – South Korea at  studio Mugidance, Solo, Central Java Indonesia(2012) piece “Ejecting Human”
Thitipol Kanteewong, Ronarong Kampha (Thai)
Mugiyono Kasido, Marvel Gracia, Endah Laras, Dedek Wahyudi, Sunardi (Indonesia)
Woo Min Young (South Korea)

Cultural Exchange Indonesia –Thai – South Korea at Bitzgeoul Arts Centre,Gwangju, Korea  (2012) piece “Ejecting Human”
Thitipol Kanteewong, Ronarong Kampha (Thai)
Mugiyono Kasido, Marvel Gracia,Endah Laras, Dedek Wahyudi, Sunardi (Indonesia)
Woo Min Young, Ten South Korea student (South Korea)

Cultural Exchange Indonesia –USA/Korea  (2014)
Jin Hi Kim (USA/Korea)
Mugiyono Kasido, Marvel Gracia (Indonesia)
 Output : “Back to Source” present at Solo International Performing Arts (SIPA) and “Floating Spirit” present at Bedog International Arts Festival Yogyakarta

“Floating Spirit”, Indonesia- USA/South Korea colaboration, present at BIAF
Indonesia – USA?South Korea Collaboration. With Jin Hi Kim. Present at SIPA
Indonesia-USA collaboration. Present at Solo International Performing Art (SIPA)

Cultural Exchange Japan, Indonesia, Thai, The Philiphines (2016)
Yuan Moro O’Campo (The Philipines)
Thitipol Kanteewong (Thai)
Shigemi Kitamura (Japan)
Mugiyono Kasido, Yeni Arama (Indonesia)
Output :”Linkage” present at Asian Festival at Mugidance studio

Shigemi Kitamura (Japan) , Mugiyono Kasido (Indonesia)
Performance “Linkage”, Assian Collaboration

Cultural Exchange Japan, Indonesia, Thai, The Philiphines (2017)
Yuan Moro O’Campo (The Philipines)
Thitipol Kanteewong (Thai)
Shigemi Kitamura, Sora, Cyouka Ogata (Japan)
Mugiyono Kasido, Yeni Arama (Indonesia)
Output :”Linkage” present at Fukuoka Fringe dance Festival , Japan

after performance at Fukuoka Fringe Dance Festival
Perform "Linkage"

Cultural Exchange Japan, Indonesia, The Philiphines (2019)
Patrick Chong (The Philipines)
Shigemi Kitamura (Japan)
Mugiyono Kasido, Tesla Manaf, Marvel Gracia, Magnum Arkan Nala, Mumtaz Paiut Nurogo, Bambang Dwiatmoko(Indonesia)
Output :” “Sandyakala, Sanjikara” present at,mugidance at  Asian Festival, Indonesia (2019)

Cultural Exchange (virtual/pandemic time) Indonesia, Cambodia, Japan, Thai (2021)
Sovana Phum Art community  (Cambodia)
Dedek Gamelan orchestra, Mugiyono Kasido (Indonesia)
Kosei Sakamoto, Cyouka Ogata (Japan)
Waewdao Sirisook (Thai)
Output : “Kala Sirna Durga Kalamendhak”,  International Rain Festival virtual  at youtube @mugidance

Cultural Exchange Indonesia – Equador (2023)
Mugiyono Kasido, Mumtaz Pajut Nurogo (Indonesia)
Cristina Duque (Equador)
Output : “Power of water” present at studio Mugidance at International Rain Festival

LINKAGE, an Asian Collaboration




The works manifest the various linkages set between and among artits their crafts (dance, music, performance art, tradition, modernity)

“linkage” also present itselft to the audience in a way the public is confrontated with images of their everyday life . Shigemi (Japan) and Mugiyono Kasido (Indonesia) dance their complex connection of their daily existence while Thitipol (Thai) and Yeni (Indonesia) accompany the movements with contemporary sound inspired by traditional music. On other hand, Yuan Moro (Philipina)n presents series of action that envokes pre collonial philiphines ritual.

The collaborative works hopes the audience RE THINK about their relation towards each other and the present (time) Information Technology.


Mugiyono Kasido/Choreographer, Dancer
Shigemi Kitamura/Choreographer, Dancer
Yenny Arama/ Composer,Musician
Thitipol Kanteewong/Composer,Musician
Yuan Mor’O  O Campo/Performer
Production 2016, support by Japan Foundation Indonesia and Mugi Dance

Premier at Asian Festival, 2016





Theater and Festivals


Theater and festival that present Mugidance’s works

Lincoln Center Festival, New York, USA Bates Dance Festival, Maine, Lewiston, USA Center National de la danse, Pantin, France Goteborg Festival, Sweden Kunsten Festival des Arts, Belgium Grand Opening Walker Arts Center, USA Dublin Dance Festival, Ireland In Transit Festival, Germany Hongkong Arts Festival dancas na cidade Festival, Portugal Asia Contemporary Dance Festival, Tokyo, Japan Asia Next wave Festival, Osaka, Japan Asean Enchanting Puppet Festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand Indonesia Dance Festival, Jakarta, Indonesia Adelaide Festival

Grebeg Sukuh Festival, Karanganyar, Indonesia Images of Asia Festival, Denmark Asia on the road, tour 8 cities in Denmark Solo International Performing Arts Festival, Solo, Indonesia Jogjakarta International Festival, Jogja, Indonesia Indonesia film Festival, Pretoria, South Africa Chang Mu International Festival, Seoul,South KoreaMekong Media Arts Festival, Cambodia Asia Contemporary Dance now, Fukuoka, Japan We’re gonna Go Dancing, Bandung, Indonesia and Niigata, japan Dance Eco Asia Singapore Pasar Tari Kontemporer, Tanjung Pinang,Indonesia Ramayana Festival, Pondhichery, India Indonesia Performing Arts Market, Indonesia School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam Surakarta Arts of College, Solo, Indonesia Surakarta Arts Center, Solo,Indonesia Rasa Theater, Utrecht, the Netherland Tropen Theater, Amsterdam, The Netherland Wereld Culturen centrum, Zuiderpershuid, Belgium Teatro Communale de Monfalcone, Italy Dance Museum, Sweden Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, Indonesia An Indonesia Contemporary Artistic Presentation, Athens, Greek Mask Festival, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Bandung College of Arts, Bandung, Indonesia Interaction , Yogyakarta, Indonesia, International Rain Festival, Solo, Indonesia, Enchanting Puppet Festival, Thailand, Kuopio Festival, Finland

The Rumors (Kabar Kabur)

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzmnbRmiqkg

kabar kabur 2

The Rumors is an expression generates from observing the social, economic and political situation in Indonesia, which in fact run in a disorderly, upside down and uncertain way. Nothing seems to fit. All things sound like rumors, conflicting vague and dubious, making it hard to understand what is really going on. (condition 1998 after Suharto rezim fall after 32 in power) I see analogy between society and a body, made up of various element, each with their own function and position. They should be kept in harmony, otherwise the body will go wrong, become sick and in the end die in misery.

“Kabar Kabur adalah ekspresi merespon kondisi sosial ekonomi dan politik Indonesia yang kacau balau, jungkir balik dan tidak pasti. Tidak ada yang pasti dan segala hal seperti kabur membuat sulit mengerti apa yang terjadi.(keadaan tahun 1998 setelah keruntuhan rezim Suharto yang berkuasa selama 32 tahun). Aku melihat ada kesamaan antara keadaan sosial dan tubuh, terbuat dari berbagai elemen yang masing-masing memiliki fungsi dan posisinya sendiri.Mereka harus harmonis dan sebaliknya jika tidak akan keliru menjadi sakit dan pada akhirnya akan mati.”


“dressed only in white T shirt khaki shorts, Mugiyono stages his performance on a miniscale stage no larger than a table. His initially simple gestures slowly becomes transformed twisted and knotted as he fights against his own body in his T Shirt in a struggle symbolising the turnmoil permeating Indonesia’s complex reality” ( www.in-transit.de,2004)

Hanya mengenakan kaos dan celana pendek putih, Mugiyono membawakannya dalam sebuah tempat tak lebih lebar dari meja. Postur tubuhnya perlahan-lahan berubah, melekuk seperti dia melawan ddirinya sendiri dalam kaosnya melambangkan keadaan kompleks Indonesia (in Transit, Jerman)

Mencari Mata Candi ( Searching for the Eye of the Temple)

This piece was inspired by the carved stone bas-reliefs of the Prambanan Temple, one of the most beautiful “sculpture books” of Hindu-Javanese art dedicated to Shiva.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgzoZ0U-wSk

choreographer’s note :

Prambanan Temple, one of the most beautiful “sculpture books” of Hindu art dedicated to Shiva. Reflecting on these images, I thought that the petrified figures in these reliefs seemed merely to sleep, waiting for the moment when they would be woken.


Candi Prambanan merupakan salah satu “buku patung” dari seni Hindu yang dipersembahkan pada Siwa. Bercermin darisini saya berrpikir bahwa figur-figur patung itu seperti tidur, menunggu saatnya dibangkitkan kembali


” A true virtuoso, Mugiyono injects the vitality of modern dance into an ancient art and succceds, infusing a hundred year old ritual with the fierce glow of new life” (www.festivalgoteborg.se, Tue, 24/8, 2003)

Mugiyono memasukkan vitalitas tari modern ke dalam seni kuno dan berhasil, memasukkan ritual ratusan tahun dengan kehidupan masa kini (Festival Goteborg)

Bagaspati (in the spirit of the sun)

VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeKp2w2uZ2Y

The idea of Bagaspati ( a Javanese word for  “the sun”) came from  Mugiyono’s own experiences which are deeply based in Javanese philosopht. “in my hometown, the sun rises every morning to create the day anew. With red radiance, the sun rises in the east as a vital life force, and at the end of the day, when we are tired, the sun creeps behind the moon, giving us the night to rest in preparation for the sun’s rising the next day. Bagaspati-taiwan1

Mugiyono movement techniques from classical Javanese dance to create a sense mystical union with the sun. Dance in Java has long been associated with spirituality. In “Bagaspati” Mugiyono’s dance is closest to being a movement meditation, exemplified by mask of Panji, one of the most refined characcters in Javanese mythology. This wor is also accompanied by the gamelan.


“He employs slow,graceful movements and traditional mask dance to create a mystical atmosphere, gradually yet irresibly drawing the audience under it’s spell” (www.in-transit.de,2004)

Ejecting Human (Kelahiran Manusia)


video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i41wRrxfzC4

Collaboration works Indonesi (Java), Lanna (North Thai culture), South Korea with a bold concept to criticize the modern way of delivering babies. Traditionally when the baby is born, the community celebrate its birth with chants and performance. But, with today medical technology, it is becoming more of mechanical process to deliver a baby.

A baby as a human being is not born but being produced and ejected like a vending machine.

Karya Kolaborasi Indonesia (Jawa), Thailand utara (Lanna) dan Korea Selatan ini mengkritisi tentang cara modern melahirkan bayi. Secara tradisi, bayi lahir dan dirayakan oleh komunitasnya dengan puji-pujian dan tarian. tetapi kelahiran bayi sekarang sudah seperti proses mesin. Bayi tidak dilahirkan tetapi diproduksi dan dikeluarkan seperti pada mesin penjual makanan.

This works have 60 minutes duration with 9 people on tour (with live music). This piece support apart by Korean Ministry of Sport & Tourism 2011,2012.

Karya ini berdurasi 60 menit dengan jumlah rombongan 9 orang, live musik. Pembuatan karya didukung oleh Kementrian Olah raga dan turisme Korea Selatan 2011, 2012.

Shinta’s Letter (Surat Shinta)


Contemporary mask dance with story based on Ramayana by Walmiki (Valmiki). Surat Shinta was anthithesis about meaning of women faithfullness. This works are accompanied by contemporary gamelan.

Tari topeng kontemporer dengan kisah berdasarkan Ramayana yang dikarang Walmiki. Surat Shinta merupakan atitesis terhadap arti kesucian perempuan.Karya ini diperkaya dengan ilustrasi musik gamelan kontemporer

This works has 80 minutes duration and 8 people on tour for CD version, 12 people for live music version. Property was mask (Central Java and West Java (Cirebon) mask) and transparent white cloth that bring by artist.

Karya ini berdurasi 80 menit tanpa jeda,jumlah rombongan 8 orang untuk versi CD dan 12 orang jika musiknya live. Propertinya topeng Jawa ddan Cirebon serta tirai putih yang dibawa sendiri oleh seniman

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHOyy7PBY8I


This work reflecting woman struggle for their existence Duration 17 minutes with 5 dancer and CD record music. There’re 7 people on tour.
Karya ini mencerminkan perjuangan perempuan untuk eksistensinya. Durasi karya 17 menit dengan lima penari dan musik rekaman CD. Rombongan berjumlah 7 orang
“This short works was impressive, dancers present typically movement of Javanese dance in smooth, simple but effective (Tabloid Detik, Sep, 9th,1993)
Karya pendek ini memikat, penari membawakan gerak tari Jawa dengan lembut, sederhana namun efektif (Tabloid Detik 9 Sep, 1993)